Monday, January 26, 2009


I worked for the USGS for a year under the Ground-Water Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program. The idea behind GAMA is to provide an analysis - a "big picture," if you will - of the ground-water quality throughout the state of California. The water quality sampling done by GAMA is important because the data collected is useful for providing an early indication of potential water quality problems. The gamut of constituents sampled by the program includes many that are not sampled under normal water quality testing, including things like age dating.

Water conservation is an important part of everyone's daily life. The increase in pollution of our water systems is something that must be managed and controlled so that water supplies last for continuing generations. I believe that water conservation is a serious issue, and that's why I want to continue to pursue a career in environmental sciences and water quality.

You can find more info about the GAMA program at:

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